Deflated Left Lung!


july 17, 2018
Dan Calgary, Greg Vernon, and Ritchie Marrell officially form Deflated Left Lung
july 29, 2018
August Carson joins DLL
september 21, 2018
Seth Canmore joins DLL
november 11, 2018
DLL starts recording Self Titled
january 27, 2019
Self Titled is released
march 04, 2019
Self Titled "tour" begins (opening for XO Ziggy)
august 03, 2019
Ritchie is fired from DLL
september 09, 2019
Greg marries his wife, Cass
january 21, 2020
Jon Rivne auditions for DLL and meets Gus
january 24, 2020
Jon officially joins DLL
february 13, 2020
DLL starts recording Imperfection
april 20, 2020
Imperfection is released
july 29, 2020
Grace Vernon is born!
august 25, 2020
Imperfection Tour begins
november 03, 2020
Gus and Jon are officially dating
november 04, 2020
Gus disappears and almost overdoses in Seattle
november 30, 2020
- Imperfection Tour ends
- Viera Hall gives Elora to Gus
august 27, 2021
- Dan and Chris officially dating
- Jon hospitalized after car accident (until sept. 16)
september 07, 2021
Gus hospitalized for major relapse
october 10, 2021
sweets album is released
november 04-07, 2021
Gus and Anahi Dorvil (XOZ) drug bender that almost kills both
february 07, 2022
Nobody's Sober Tour begins (XO Ziggy and Pez & Needles)
april 18, 2022
Gus relapses, LSD in Madrid, and it's all over the news
may 07, 2022
- NBS Tour ends
- Neil Vianu leaves for months
october 08, 2022
Coin On Heads EP is released
october 23-31, 2022
We're Mostly Sober "mini tour"
november 12, 2022
Spencer Vernon is born!
december 30, 2022
Gus relapses on alcohol
january 16, 2023
Seth quits as band member
april 18, 2023
- Gus's dad dies (heart attack)
- Gus relapses on everything
april 20, 2023
Gus is consistently drugged up and not home, also cheats on Jon with a girl who ends up OD'ing and dying. Gus is in court for two days and ends up on two-year probation
june 06, 2023
Jon proposes to Gus for some reason
october 01, 2023
BIAN era officially begins with the release of a photoshoot and a creepy video from jon
october 22, 2023
Born In A Nightmare is released
december 01, 2023
DIAD era officially begins with the release of a photoshoot and another video from the entire band
december 22, 2023
Dying In A Dream is released

August Carson

  • August Jonathan Carson

  • born August 18, 1998 (24 y/o, leo, gen z)

  • pansexual, he/him, cis male


Gus is charming, playful, and flirty all the time. He acts cocky and dramatic, like some spoiled princess, and he loves that Jon gives him whatever he wants. He's pretty feminine, but somehow gives off this very masculine presence.He's actually fairly smart (politics and creativity wise) but it rarely shows unless he's going on a profound ramble in an interview.He has many emotions he's always struggled to bottle up, but the drugs and self hatred kept him from letting go. Now that Jon has broken his walls and he's sober, he accidentally vents all the time and has become a lot more open.

More Info:

Boyfriend: Jonas Rivne
Daughter: Elora Carson (b.2018)
Brother: Lucas Carson
Best Friends (outside of DLL): Lucida Pomoc, Anahi Dorvil, Clay Torres, Jack Perez
Pets: a leopard gecko Captain Crunch

  • He is so addicted to cigarettes and shaking an alcohol addiction

  • TW// ED - He's had anorexia since he was 15, and at 23 he's only just now trying to recover kind of

  • TW// DRUGS - He has a history of heavy opiod/painkiller use, but started trying to get sober in October of 2021. Since then, he hasn't even taken an Advil or Ibuprofen

  • White (mostly American, also some French)



Gus was raised in an abusive household, the abuser being his father since 5th grade. The abuse got physical in 8th grade, when Gus dated Juliette Santana, and the Big Top was formed. The BT was a clearing in the woods that served as a hangout for Gus's close friends: Lucida Pomoc, Juliette Santana, Mark Matthews, Zach Napier, Brendan Love, and Casper Koch.In 9th grade, when Gus had just turned 15, he met Thomas LaBrie. They started dating, and Tom really seemed great for a while. He was also a master manipulator and managed to get Gus absolutely convinced that they were in love. Doing this, he was able to abuse and rape him consistently, with Gus thinking it was all okay. Just before Gus turned 16, Luci managed to get Gus to leave Tom. But the damage had been done- Tom started Gus's anorexia, sex addiction, and cigarette addiction.Throughout highschool, in this tiny Catholic town of southern Louisiana, Gus was a complete slut and even sold sex for a while. He slept around and was truly infamous. He had an open relationship with Hailey Dean, who eventually accidentally fell in love with him, leading to Gus brutally dumping her. He then started dating Casper Koch just before he turned 18.

The night he turned 18, at about 2am, he left home and went to live with Casper in the apartment they'd gotten the month prior, when Casper turned 18. They were good for a long time. Everything went well until Gus was home alone too much and started drinking and disappearing. Problems arose, and when Gus was just 19, Casper broke up with him.Gus was homeless now, aside from the period of time he lived with Seth Canmore. He wasn't on the streets much though, he was hotel-hopping and occasionally crashing with friends. During the first two years of DLL existing, Gus's drug use was at its worst. He was dependent and barely coping. And of course, alcoholism was a huge problem as well with him.While still dating Casper, Gus had a few hookups with Viera Hall. By the time Viera discovered he'd gotten her pregnant, he was long gone. Two years later, she found him again and gave him full custody of Elora, then named Lilly. Viera was arrested shortly after.Then Gus met Jon on Jan. 21, 2020, and it was completely terrible at first because he was insane. But over time Gus got less terrible, and they're fine now.

Jon Rivne

  • Jonas Rivne

  • born June 08, 1996 (26 y/o, gemini, millennial)

  • gay, he/him, cis male


Jon's personality can and should be split into three very different personalities: the playful dork, the horny flirt, and the cuddly softie. He goes from making improv parodies of songs in the kitchen, to intently flirting with Gus, to giggling on the couch calling Gus pretty.He's hard to sum up because of these three distinct versions of him, but the underlying traits are playful and lovable. He's a lot like a pit bull too, because they're so loving and goofy, but very protective. Perhaps a golden retriever or border collie too.As a boyfriend, he's always there and always happy to give Gus the attention he craves, because he needs the interaction too. As a dad, he's very much a dad, trying to teach and nurture El and raise a little vegetarian. He's big on discipline, with both Gus and El, as well as being incredibly protective of the both of them and even a bit paranoid when they're alone.

More Info:

Boyfriend: August Carson
Daughter: Elora Carson (adopted)
Best Friends (outside of DLL): Jorrel Moore, Mark Walter White, Michael Lemmo

  • He works out regularly and is in good shape, especially around touring time but not just then

  • He frequently hyperfixates on new things but his special interests have been robots, cats in general, paranormal events, the civil war, and currently guitars

  • Vegetarian! He only ate white meat for a while, but about a year ago went full vegetarian.

  • He's still very in touch with his parents and talks to them regularly, and they visit fairly often

  • White, 1/4 British (on dad's side)


Very early on, Jon showed major signs of autism, and he greatly struggled to function normally in public school. Most of his struggles came from sensory issues. Yet, they kept him in school, because he enjoyed it and wanted to learn like other kids. In 4th grade, they moved from New York City to Albany, just to live somewhere quieter so Jon could handle it better.By 9th grade, Jon was functioning pretty normally, aside from some sensory overloads and struggling to comprehend things in the same way most of his classmates did. He was finally making friends though, and in 11th grade, he met Toni Pespin, and the two quickly became close friends.TW// GUNS, MURDER, GANG VIOLENCE, PARANOIA
The next year, Jon met Thomas Wilmont, who got Jon and Toni involved in a drug deal, which led to them joining a gang. When Jon was 19, Toni and Jon wanted to escape, but they couldn't just quit. They tried to sneak away from a drug deal that was terrifying and too risky, but Thomas caught them, and Jon blamed Toni. Thomas shot Toni. Jon immediately knew he needed to leave.
Time went on and Jon felt so guilty and horrible it was consuming him. And he hated that gang. He finally told his parents, and they told him to move away for safety, somewhere not too drastically opposite but also not too close. He chose New Orleans, Louisiana, and moved there just before he was 20. He's been terribly paranoid about the gang finding him for years.

Greg Vernon

  • Gregory Michael Vernon

  • born October 02, 1995 (27 y/o, libra, millennial)

  • cishet he/him male (but ally)


Greg is sweet and understanding, with a cute sense of humor. He can be playful and social, but interactions outside of his close circle tend to be surface level and much less authentic. He only lets loose around those he's comfortable with, which is why his Twitter is so mild and formal.He's certainly intellectual and artistic, and he's very calm and collected on the surface, but inwardly can be quite anxious. He has anxiety but keeps it internalized and saves it for a breakdown at home where his wife can comfort him.He seems very chill and normal on the surface, but you quickly discover how strange he is. He's incredibly superstitious and wholeheartedly believes in the paranormal. He truly believes that he was cursed when he was 16 and lives by it now, along with numerous other superstitious and etc.

More Info:

Wife: Cassidy Anne Stanswick Vernon (VENEUZSLAN!!)
Kids: Grace Vernon (b. 2020), Spencer Vernon (b. 2022)
Friends outside DLL: Kaira Majumdar, Cass

  • He's Hindu and totally vegan, which his wife got him into

  • He still talks to his parents but not very often because they're kind of insane and don't remember anything, they're convinced he lives down the street. So he has to explain the last eight years every time he talks to them.

  • He definitely has anxiety but he's good at keeping it internalized

  • He has a huge superstition about socks- for every DLL show, every member of the band has to have clean and matching socks. He's convinced that if someone breaks this rule, the show won't be good. And he hasn't been proven wrong.


Greg's Vietnamese dad and White mom died when he was about a year old, so his mom's sister and brother-in-law (his godparents) took him in. His aunt and uncle became his parents. Said aunt and uncle were filled with love (they couldn't have kids of their own but always wanted to). They would've been perfect if not for being located in a tiny swamp town in southern Louisiana, population of about 35 mostly-inbred swamp people. Greg, a very intelligent, lanky, black-haired kid with a passion for music and culture just didn't fit in, despite being very loved.At around eight, he and two other kids (cousins) around his age were dying to get out of there and learn about the world. They got on their bikes and made a habit out of riding to the nearest town (several miles away) and staying at the library as long as they could. Eventually, Greg befriended the owner of a music shop, and in exchange for working without pay, he was allowed to play the instruments as he wanted, and the owner taught him bass and guitar.He finally turned 18 and moved to New Orleans, knowing from reading about it that it was a vibrant city of music and culture, and it was only a couple hours away from home. Being a young dreamer, he was excited to start a new life. Within a few months, it was harder than he'd ever imagined- he was broke and could barely afford an apartment or food. He was about to move back home after a year, when he met Dan Calgary, who had just turned 18 and moved there for similar reasons- a city of music, partying, and life. The two quickly became best friends and shared an apartment. After forming the band, Greg met his wife, and they got married.

Dan Calgary

  • Daniel James Calgary

  • born December 14, 1996 (26 y/o, sagittarius, millennial)

  • cishet he/him male (but ally)


Dan is a loud and unhinged middle school boy at heart. He's reckless and daring, but definitely selfless and protective of those he loves. He is a very loving person. He shows his love like a dog, with play fighting all the time and bringing you stupid things he finds that you might find funny, like a dumb postcard or colorful novelty pen.He loves his girlfriend very much, and they're both very work-oriented, which works well. Neither of them is bothered by the other being obsessed with their job and spending more time and money on work than each other.

More Info:

Girlfriend: Christina (Chris) Barlaretto
Pets: Betta fish named Deuce
Friends outside DLL: ...

  • He works out pretty regularly, but when the band is inactive for long enough, he does get very lazy.

  • His hobbies are drumming and video games, his favorite ironically being Guitar Hero. He loves video games.

  • Pretends he doesn't know how to do chores because he is LAZY

  • He is extremely close with Gus, Greg, and Jon, they're his family and he'd go insane without them. He goes to Greg's house as often as he can

  • Very low pain tolerance that embarrasses him so much he tries so hard to be manly and cool and tough



When Dan was about nine, his mom left for good. His dad was already somewhat distant, but this change made him almost entirely absent and withdrawn. So Dan's older brother, who was 14, was basically in charge of Dan and their two younger half-sisters, both seven at the time. When the older brother turned 18, he left Dan in charge, who was 14. Dan's grades slipped immensely- he went from doing theater and having all A's and B's to having a C average and no time for homework or extracurriculars. When he wasn't at school, he was taking care of his 11-year-old sisters.At 16, he was able to drive, and his brother practically disappeared from their lives (he had stayed nearby before so he could help when need be and contribute financially). Dan tried very hard to keep jobs and lost them painfully often. At 19, his sisters were 16, so he was able to be gone more, especially since his dad finally started getting himself together. He had dropped out of high school, so he tried to enlist in the military, but during boot camp he had to quit that too.At 18, he moved to New Orleans for the excitement and nightlife, where he met 19-year-old Greg Vernon. They immediately became best friends and moved in together. He finally got a job as a bartender in New Orleans, where he met Greg, Gus, Ritchie, Seth, and Jon.

Deflated Left Lung
(Self Titled)

1. Drowning In Light Carson
2. Dull Carson-Marrell
3. Define Love Marrell
4. We Can Trade Broken Hearts Carson
5. Rings Carson
6. Watercolor Carson
7. Death Itself Carson-Marrell
8. Can't Write For Shit Carson
9. Jokes Vernon
10. Your Devastation Works In Magically Uplifting Ways Carson
11. Loving Anxiety Marrell
12. Better Than Roses Carson


1. The Light's Too Loud Carson-Rivne
2. Stick In Your Mouth Carson-Rivne
3. Lenny And Carl Carson
4. I Need It Rivne
5. The Feeling Of Static Carson-Rivne
6. Religious Trauma Carson
7. Temporarily Untitled Carson-Rivne
8. A Knife Salesman Rivne
9. My Train Of Thought Is Currently In A Tunnel That Could Be Filled With Gold But Probably Just Dirt (The Train Song) Carson
10. Most Of Me Carson-Rivne
11. Entitlement Carson-Rivne
12. Broken Pencils Carson-Rivne
13. They Know What Hurts Carson
14. Don't Be Like Me Carson

Coin On Heads (EP)

1. Coin On Heads Carson-Rivne
2. Terror In The Halls Calgary-Rivne
3. Magic Carpet Joyride Vernon-Rivne
4. Pink Hair Carson-Vernon